
Fixoteket Norra Biskopsgården

Repair, borrow, swap and build!

North Biskopsgården, Gothenburg

Fixoteket is a local meeting place where you easily can repair, lend, exchange and make new things out of old.

Fixoteket in North Biskopsgården is run by Bostadsbolaget in cooperation with the district administration West Hisingen.

You can lend tools to repair and re-do your things at the Fixotek, for instance clothes, furniture, household appliances and bicycles. You can also lend some tools and machines home.

For instance:

  • Hammer
  • Power drill (including drills)
  • Sander
  • Screwdriver
  • Rotary percussion drill
  • Heat gun
  • Spirit level
  • Staple gun
  • Sewing machine
  • Hand truck

You can not book tools or machine and you can only borrow one of each tool. In the Fixotek’s swapping area you can leave clothes in good condition, kitchen appliances, home electronics, smaller furnitures, trinkets, toys and sporting equipment you no longer need and take something else in return. Swap away!

The Fixoteks were a project started by the city but the city project ended in 2019 and now some of the Fixoteks have found other ways to live on.

Photo: David Sjöqvist.

Godvädersgatan 24
Phone: 070-7868159