Solikyl - Solidarity fridge

Solikyl – Solidarity Fridge

Saves food from going to waste

Several places in town, Gothenburg

The organisation Solikyl (Solidarity fridge) works to reduce food waste in households and grocery stores. Solidariskt Kylskåp is building an infrastructure around food which is edible but still unfortunately winds up in the trash. Anyone can come and collect or deposit food.

A solidarity fridge reduces food waste while also making it easier for those who struggle to afford food. At the same time, it creates a more sustainable society with less waste. Part of their mission is also to inform about food waste and engage more people with the issue.

The Gothenburg area has multiple solidarity fridges. If you would like to visit any of these fridges to deposit or pick up food – please read their guidelines and the beginner’s guide.

The places that has a Solidarity Fridge often change along with the opening hours, so we suggest you check their website for up-to-date pick-up times.

Fjärde Långgatan 48
Folkvisegatan 14
Karl Johanstorget 1
Pennygången 50
Råstensgatan 4
Tusenårsgatan 17
Vasagatan 1