
LiU Student Secondhand

Andrahandsförsäljning av prylar, möbler, kläder till och från studenter.

Västra Valla, Linköping

LiU Student Secondhands main purpose is to make it easy for students at LiU to give, sell, and buy furniture and stuff for their home in a circular way — instead of throwing things away each semester when old students leave Linköping and new ones arrive soon after.
LiU Student Secondhand try to bridge this gap by providing storage for the furniture on Campus Valla (in the basement of the A-building, Entrance 19). They also have a website where students can post-in their items for sale or donation (with pictures), and where some of their available items are published.
The student organization Navitas (in collaboration with Erikshjälpen) is behind the secondhand store.

Mon 12:15-13:00
Thu 12:15-13:00, 17:30-19:00

A-Huset, LiU, Campus Valla