About Smarta Kartan Stockholm
Smartakartan KTH is a smart map with information about different sustainability hotspots in and around Stockholm. Places that can be found on the map include bike repair shops, rental services and second hand stores. The idea behind the map is to inform people about options they have to buy second hand, borrow or rent things instead of buying first hand. This would help them live more sustainably and also participate in the sharing economy.
The map is managed by KTH Students for Sustainability in collaboration with Kollaborativ Ekonomi Sverige and the KTH Sustainability Office as part of the Smartakartan KTH project. It is initially aimed to be a student focused map around the KTH area which will then expand to the rest of Stockholm and cater to people from different walks of life.
To let us know about places that you think should be on the map please fill in the form below:
The map will be updated on average once a month and for more information or suggestions about it the following persons can be contacted
Sharang Kolathur – kolathur@kth.se
Veine Haglund – veineh@kth.se